Friday, December 19, 2008

Samuel's Christmas Preshool Program

Samuel's preschool had a Christmas program. It was really cute. The children in Sam's class rang bells, sang songs and recited poems. Samuel was not feeling well that weekend, but he still did a great job. He told us he was a little scared because of all the people. We could not believe that our little boy was up there doing his first Christmas program. The last few years have gone by so fast. Having the children is the best thing in the world. They bring so much joy and excitement into our lives. And, celebrating the birth of Jesus with our children is the best.

Craft day at Sam's preschool

Samuel's preschool had a special craft making day. The boys had a blast making all of the crafts. We had glitter, glue and icing everywhere.

Taking Grandma to the train station

My mom recently came for a visit. The boys and I took her back to the train station. They enjoyed seeing all of the trains.

Family pictures

Here are a few family pictures we took in front of the tree.

New Baby on the way

We had our ultrasound recently and everything looks great with the baby. We found out that we are having a girl. We are all very excited.

Getting a Christmas Tree

This year we decided to buy our Christmas tree at a farm where we could cut it down our selves. The boys loved this! They each took their own little saw to help daddy. It was a lot of fun.

The boys helping to get ready to put the tree up.

Visit with Great-Granny

Great Granny spent Thanksgiving day with us. She brought gifts for the boys which they loved. It is always nice to spend time with family.