Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Pictures from the last few weeks

We had been having problems with our computer so I am sorry that I have not gotten any pictures on lately. Here are a few from the last few weeks. Things have been very busy adjusting to having a new baby, but everyone is doing well. The boys adore their little sister and have been very good with her. Sara is growing quickly already. Time is really flying by.

John and his little girl.

The boys love to hold their sister.

The boys "playing" chess.

John's sister's wedding

John's sister got married on May 2nd. Everything was beautiful. Samuel was the ring bearer. He did a great job. He looked so grown up.

The boys with their grandfather -- watching the time for the wedding to begin.

Sara meets one of her cousins

My brother and is wife had a baby girl in February so she and Sara are only 10 weeks apart. It was neat to see them together. Seeing our niece Addison reminded us how quickly babies change.
Amber's mom with her two grand-daughters.

Our baby girl is here!

On April 20th, our baby girl arrived. We named her Sara Elizabeth. She is doing very well. Here are a few pictures from the hospital. Her brothers are so excited. They are doing great with her. We feel so blessed to have three wonderful children.