Friday, April 10, 2009

God's timing

Well, it is only a little over a week until our due date for our baby girl. The boys were both born early (3 to 4 weeks early). We had anticipated that our little girl would probably come early also. Thankfully, God knows much more than we can foresee. This week, the boys and I have all had strep infections. We are all on antibiotics and thankfully, no longer contagious. John is feeling well so hopefully he will not get it. Things like this remind me that God is in control.

Hanging out with Daddy at a baseball game

The other night we took the boys over to a college baseball game. They love to go with daddy. They do a pretty good job following the game. Samuel loves to watch for foul balls that come our way.

Timothy's birthday

It is so hard to believe that Timothy turned two this week! It seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital. He is such a sweet boy. We are so blessed.

Big brother Sam is always ready to help.

Easter Egg Hunt

Last weekend, we took the boys to an Easter egg hunt. They were so excited to collect the eggs. Timothy really got into it this year.