Sunday, July 26, 2009


This summer is flying by. I have not had the time to update for a while so I thought that I owuld just include a bunch of pictures from the last month.

John took Samuel to his first major league baseball game. Samuel loved it.

Ready to go to the game.

Sam after the game ... waiting in traffic

Sara at three months old.

Here is Sara in a Philly's outfit that both of her brothers wore.

We went to a wedding last week. It was a great family wedding. The kids had a lot of fun (we did too).

We visited John's Grandparents at the Lake during July. It was nice to be there and spend time with family. The only down side was that it rained a lot while we were there, but we still had a good time.

John "blasting" Samuel into the air.

Sara with Grandmom.

Amber with Timothy and Aunt Jenn with Sara.

John and Sam fishing.

The kids relaxing.

Going for a boat ride.

Sara's first time in the lake. She did well even though it was very cold.

The boys and John went for a canoe ride acrossed the lake. They had a fun time ... just the boys.

The boys enjoyed seeing John's grandfather's trains. Their grandfather and John showed them how they worked.

The boys looking out at the Lake.

After an early morning walk.

Sara at two months old.

John played softball for our church again this summer. The boys enjoy watching their daddy play.

Out for ice cream.

Sara with her cousin Addison.

Samuel with his Aunt Tara.

We took the kids to the park with their cousin Martin. The boys really enjoyed the rides.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Granny's birthday party

John's grandmother just turned 90. Here are a few pictures from the party for her as well as some of the boys playing in the pool before the party.